For editing all of our still images, we use Adobe Lightroom. It is a powerful and user-friendly software program, especially for underwater photography. Let me digress for a moment… ALL photographers edit their images in post to some degree. Of course, you attempt to hone your craft and shoot good-great images in camera, but sometimes, for whatever numerous reasons, it just doesn’t happen perfectly all the time. In Lightroom, you can adjust your images minimally or significantly, depending on how you saw it, or want to see it.
Earlier today, I was looking at some underwater images taken a couple of years ago. With time, one’s perspective changes, skills improve and so do software programs. Here are some examples of the power of Lightroom. The examples on the left show the original image, very minimally processed. The examples on the right show a huge difference, making one global change to the image only. Not only does it pay-off to occassionally look at those older images with a fresh set of eyes, but also to keep current on skills and software updates!